Tabbe's Place

Friday, August 05, 2005

Well.Current Blog is very interesting!
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Allen's new name is now officially GRANDPAL, because I refuse to call him Grandpa Al.

First time mommy, Denise Babiak swaddling her gift from God, a brand new baby girl to love for the rest of her life, or at least until Delaney is a teenager!!!! Denise, age 25, Delaney, age 10 1/2 hours, 20 inches long, brown hair, blue eyes, 7 lbs.7 oz. of baby to adore!
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Many thanks to "Uncle Jon" Riegle for the use of his digital so I could share these first day photos of Delaney and all her loved ones. Hey Jon, next time can I have a trip to Vegas thrown in with the camera? Many thanks in advance for all your kindness.
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Feeding time. Ain't she sweet? Dad is already a pro at handling his precious bundle of joy!
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GrandPal's niece, Brittany Marie Spangler, age 14 holding her newest best good buddy, Delaney McKenna Boatman. Denise is in the background, taking a well deserved break after three days of labor. At this time, I'd like to thank Denise for my angel love from heaven, Delaney, and for being the bravest woman in labor I've ever seen. She said simply at the end of delivery, "It hurts, I can't" and then of course, she did!
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Daddy Kirk with his new love, Delaney.
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Grandma Colleen Boatman (hope I spelled that right, Colleen!), proud papa Kirk Boatman with brand new baby Delaney!!
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Just bragging, 'tis they are again. All these pics were taken on Aug. 2, 2005, Delaney's birthday, and Terri and GrandPal's 25th anniversary. God is smilin' down on me right now...who wouldn't LOVE this baby?
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The proud parents again, with angelbaby Delaney McKenna Boatman. Eat your hearts out everyone~~~
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New parents, Denise and Kirk, with their angelbaby, Delaney. Aren't they beautiful?
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OUR NEW ANGEL, DELANEY MCKENNA BOATMAN...she is approximately 10 1/2 hours old in this pic, and isn't she a beauty?
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Grandma Terri, GrandPal, and baby Delaney McKenna Boatman...8/02/2005. Delaney is about 10 1/2 hours old. She was born at 9:08 am on August 2, 2005!!